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Pastor Tim • Mar 18, 2021

I just can't contain myself

Back in the late 70s, American gospel singer, Don Francisco, released the song, “Gotta Tell Somebody”. For those of you who aren’t as old as dirt like a few of us are, it’s a song about the raising of a young girl from the dead by Jesus. The event is recorded in the Christian Bible in Matthew, Mark and Luke. After the girl is raised, Jesus orders the parents not to tell anyone. However, Matthew records, “The report of the miracle swept through the countryside.” (Matthew 9:26) Oops, somebody didn’t get the memo! Some folks just can’t keep a secret! Well, that’s where the name of Francisco’s song comes from. The song ends with the often repeated line, “I gotta tell somebody what Jesus did for me!” I love it!

That’s how I feel when I write. God has been so incredibly gracious to me, I can’t contain it! I feel I ‘gotta tell somebody’! So, even though I am not a writer by trade (I’ve been a pastor over 40 years) I attempt to put what is in my heart on these digital pages. My hope is these words might inspire or encourage anyone who ventures to read them. 

The title of my blog is Shriven. It’s an obscure term in our modern vernacular, unless you are of an Orthodoxic or Liturgical tendency. However, it’s a great word! It’s a word defined as “confessing and receiving forgiveness”. I happen to be launching this blog on Shrove Tuesday. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday with it’s ancient reminder, “From the dust of the earth you have been formed and to the dust you will return.” (Ecclesiastes 3:20) Shrove Tuesday is the final day before the austerity of Lent and is often celebrated by eating lots of pancakes, which evidently is forbidden fruit during the Lenten season.

I wasn’t raised in close proximity to this tradition. I’ve often stated to others when discussing such items, “You’ll have to forgive me, I was raised in the Baptist church.” We didn’t observe Lent. We were too busy winning souls and exploding evangelism. Our Eastertide festivities involved the throwing of ‘Gospel Bombs’ (the fine art of folding gospel tracts and hurling them into open car windows) and traveling the Romans Road with unsuspecting, and often uninterested, recipients of our soul winning efforts. The Church Calendar and Liturgical traditions are relatively new to my experience. Thankfully I have recently been introduced to the richness and depth of this Christian lifestyle. How much I have come to relish the counting of the days through the life of the ancient and contemporary church!

Most of the time I write as a witness to the mind bending activity of our God, Who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Even at age 65, I continue in my education of receiving and implementing the life that comes from our God. I write about what I am being taught about the Trinity as they experience eternal communion, agreement and joyful love. It is into this experience they have invited us to participate in the fulness of their loving relationship. I gotta tell somebody!

At times, though, I also write about issues that need to be confronted and talked about. However, my heart’s desire is to keep those at a minimum. Yet, sometimes, they just spill out of me all over everything and I am compelled to address what is happening in my heart. A few years back I read Richard Rohr’s biography of Saint Francis of Assisi, entitled, “Eager to Love.” I have vowed to embrace that same lifestyle for myself as a tribute to my Savior, Jesus Christ, and also to this saint of God. If I ever get a tattoo, I want those words inked on my arm as a reminder of this life to which I feel called. My hope and prayer is that will come through loud and clear in all of my communications, especially my writings.

Wrapping up this first official blog, I assure I don’t write as an expert on these matters, rather as a witness to what I have seen and heard from the Holy Spirit. A few of my instructors these days include Bradley Jersak, Wm. Paul Young, Dr. Baxter Kruger, Jason Byassee, Brian Zahnd, Fr. Richard Rohr and many others. Thanks for your time. I hope to keep tweaking this site to keep the conversations going.

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